Towers of Hanoi java program
Towers of Hanoi. There is a story about Buddhist monks who are playing this
puzzle with 64 stone disks. The story claims that when the monks finish moving
the disks from one post to a second via the third post, time will end.
A stack of n disks of decreasing size (from bottom to top) is placed on one of three
posts. The task is to move the disks one at a time from the first post to the second.
To do this, any disk can be moved from any post to any other post, subject to the
rule that you can never place a larger disk over a smaller disk. The (spare) third
post is provided to make the solution possible. Your task is to write a recursive
static method that gives instructions for a solution to this problem. We do not
want to bother with graphics, so you should output a sequence of instructions
that will solve the problem. The number of disks is a parameter to the method.
Hint: If you could move up n–1 of the disks from the first post to the third post
using the second post as a spare, the last disk could be moved from the first post
to the second post. Then, by using the same technique (whatever that may be),
you can move the n–1 disks from the third post to the second post, using the
first disk as a spare. There! You have the puzzle solved. You have only to decide
what the nonrecursive case is, what the recursive case is, and when to output
instructions to move the disks.
public class Question
public static void hanoi(int discs)
hanoiSolver(discs, "First", "Second", "Third");
public static void hanoiSolver(int discs, String first, String
second, String third)
if ( discs == 0 ) {
} // end of if ()
hanoiSolver(discs - 1, first, third, second);
System.out.println("Move disc from " + first + " to " + second);
hanoiSolver(discs - 1, third, second, first);
public static void main(String[] args)
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
System.out.println("Solution to the Towers of Hanoi puzzle"
+" for" + i + " discs.");
} // end of for ()
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