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Person Data and Customer Data classes and accessor and mutator functions using C++

PersonData and CustomerData classes
Design a C++ class named PersonData with the following member variables:
• lastName
• firstName
• address
• city
• state
• zip
• phone
Write the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for these member variables.
Next, design a class named CustomerData, which is derived from the PersonData
class. The Customer Data class should have the following member variables:
• customerNumber
• mailingList
The customerNumber variable will be used to hold a unique integer for each customer.
The mailingList variable should be a bool. It will be set to true if the customer
wishes to be on a mailing list, or false if the customer does nor wish to be on
a mailing list. Write appropriare accessor and mutator functions for these member
variables. Demonstrate an object of the CustomerData class in a simple program.


PersonData and CustomerData classes

#include <iostream>
#include "PersonData.h"
#include "CustomerData.h"
using namespace std;

// Function prototype
void displayCustomer(CustomerData);

int main()
   // Create a CustomerData object and pass arguments
   // to the constructor.
   CustomerData customer1("Smith", "Joan", "123 Main Street",
                          "Smithville", "NC", "99999", 12345,
   // Display the object's data.
   cout << "Customer #1\n"
        << "-----------\n";
   // Create another CustomerData object using the default
   // constructor and mutator functions.
   CustomerData customer2;
   customer2.setAddress("555 East Street");
   // Display the object's data.
   cout << "Customer #2\n"
        << "-----------\n";
   return 0;

// The displayCustomer function accepts a CustomerData *
// object as its argument and displays the object's    *
// data.                                               *

void displayCustomer(CustomerData c)
   // Display all the data but mailing list...
   cout << "Last Name: " << c.getLastName() << endl
        << "First Name: " << c.getFirstName() << endl
        << "Address: " << c.getAddress() << endl
        << "City: " << c.getCity() << endl
        << "State: " << c.getState() << endl
        << "ZIP: " << c.getZip() << endl 
        << "Customer Number: " 
        << c.getCustomerNumber() << endl
        << "Mailing List? ";

   // Dispaly Yes or No for mailing list.
   if (c.getMailingList())
        cout << "Yes\n\n";
         cout << "No\n\n";

PersonData class

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class PersonData
   string lastName;     // The person's last name
   string firstName;    // The person's first name
   string address;      // The person's address
   string city;         // The person's city
   string state;        // The person's state
   string zip;          // The person's ZIP code

   // Constructor                                 *
   PersonData(string ln, string fn, string addr,
              string c, string s, string z)
      { lastName = ln;
        firstName = fn;
        address = addr;
        city = c;
        state = s;
        zip = z; }

   // Default Constructor                         *
      { lastName = "";
        firstName = "";
        address = "";
        city = "";
        state = "";
        zip = ""; }

   // Mutator functions                           *
   void setLastName(string ln)
      { lastName = ln; }
   void setFirstName(string fn)
      { firstName = fn; }

   void setAddress(string addr)
      { address = addr; }

   void setCity(string c)
      { city = c; }

   void setState(string s)
      { state = s; }

   void setZip(string z)
      { zip = z; }

   // Accessor functions                          *
   string getLastName() const
      { return lastName; }
   string getFirstName() const
      { return firstName; }
   string getAddress() const
      { return address; }
   string getCity() const
      { return city; }
   string getState() const
      { return state; }
   string getZip() const
      { return zip; }


CustomerData class

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class CustomerData : public PersonData
   int customerNumber;     // Customer number
   bool mailingList;       // Include in mailing list?

   // Constructor                                 *
   CustomerData(string ln, string fn, string addr,
                string c, string s, string z, int cn,
                bool ml) :
                PersonData(ln, fn, addr, c, s, z)
      { customerNumber = cn;
        mailingList = ml; }

   // Default Constructor                         *
   CustomerData() : PersonData()
   { customerNumber = 0;
     mailingList = false; }

   // Mutator functions                           *
   void setCustomerNumber(int cn)
      { customerNumber = cn; }
   void setMailingList(bool ml)
      { mailingList = ml; }
   // Accessor functions                          *

   int getCustomerNumber()
      { return customerNumber; }
   bool getMailingList()
      { return mailingList; }



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