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java program that uses HashMaps to store the data for social network

In social networking websites, people link to their friends to form a social network.
Write a java program that uses HashMaps to store the data for such a network. Your
program should read from a file that specifies the network connections for different
usernames. The file should have the following format to specify a link:
There should be an entry for each link, one per line. Here is a sample file for five
iba java_guru
iba crisha
iba ducky
crisha java_guru
crisha iba
ducky java_guru
ducky iba
java_guru iba
java_guru crisha
java_guru ducky
wittless java_guru
In this network, everyone links to java_guru as a friend. iba is friends with java_
guru, crisha, and ducky. Note that links are not bidirectional; wittless links
with java_guru but java_guru does not link with wittless.
First, create a User class that has an instance variable to store the user’s name
and another instance variable that is of type HashSet<User>. The HashSet<User>
variable should contain references to the User objects that the current user links
to. For example, for the user iba there would be three entries, for java_guru,
crisha, and ducky. Second, create a HashMap<String,User> instance variable
in your main class that is used to map from a username to the corresponding User
object. Your program should do the following:
• Upon startup, read the data file and populate the HashMap and HashSet data
structures according to the links specified in the file.

• Allow the user to enter a name.
• If the name exists in the map, then output all usernames that are one link away
from the user entered.
• If the name exists in the map, then output all usernames that are two links away
from the user entered. To accomplish this in a general way, you might consider
writing a recursive subroutine.
Do not forget that your User class must override the hashCode and equals methods.



 * This program creates a hash map from a username to a User object.
 * The User object contains a HashSet of friends (other users) for
 * that user. We can use this list to compute a "neighborhood" of friends -
 * in this case, everyone within two links from a target user.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Question
	public static void main(String[] args)
	   // The users HashMap maps from a username to a User object
	   HashMap<String,User> users = new HashMap<String,User>();

	   // First load the social network from the file to the map
 		   Scanner inputStream =
 		             new Scanner(new FileInputStream("network.txt"));	// CHANGE

		   // Read in each line, which is a source user and friend user
		   while (inputStream.hasNextLine())
        			String line = inputStream.nextLine( );
        			StringTokenizer wordFactory = new StringTokenizer(line);
        			// Read in two tokens from line
        			String srcUserName = wordFactory.nextToken();
        			String friendUserName = wordFactory.nextToken();
			// Add users to the map if not already there
			if (!users.containsKey(srcUserName))
				users.put(srcUserName, new User(srcUserName));
			if (!users.containsKey(friendUserName))
				users.put(friendUserName, new User(friendUserName));
			// Retrieve user object and add friend
			User srcUser = users.get(srcUserName);
			User friendUser = users.get(friendUserName);
       catch(FileNotFoundException e)
           System.out.println("File was not found");
           System.out.println("or could not be opened.");
       catch(IOException e)
           System.out.println("Error reading from file.");

	   // Output what we loaded
	   System.out.print("Users loaded: ");
	   for (User u : users.values())
		   System.out.print(u.getName() + " ");
		   // Uncomment this section to show all friends
		   // for each user
		   for (Object f : u.getFriendsArray())
			   User friendObj = (User) f;
			   System.out.print(friendObj.getName() + " ");

       	// Allow the user to input a name and then output the
       	// friends that are up to 2 links away
	 String name = "";
	 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
	       System.out.println("Enter a username and all friends");
	       System.out.println("two links or less will be displayed.");
	       System.out.println("Press enter to exit.");
		   name = keyboard.nextLine();
		   if (users.containsKey(name))
				System.out.println("Friends for " + name);
				User u = users.get(name);
				u.showFriends(2);  // Prints everyone up to 2 links away
		   else if (!name.equals(""))
				System.out.println("Name not found.");
	 while (!name.equals(""));

 * This class encapsulates user information.
 * It holds a username and a set of User objects
 * that this person links to as friends.
import java.util.HashSet;

public class User
	private String username;		// User name
	private HashSet<User> friends;	// Set of friends

	/* Constructors */
	public User()
		friends = new HashSet<User>();

	public User(String newName)
		username = newName;
		friends = new HashSet<User>();

	/* Accessors and Mutators */
	public void setName(String newName)
		username = newName;

	public String getName()
		return username;

	public HashSet<User> getFriends()
		return friends;

	public Object[] getFriendsArray()
		return friends.toArray();

	* addFriend adds a new friend object to the set of friends.
	* @param newFriend User object to add to the set of friends
	*  	as a direct friend.
	public void addFriend(User newFriend)

	* removeFriend removes a friend object to the set of friends.
	* @param oldFriend User object to remove from the set of direct friends
	public void removeFriend(Object oldFriend)
		friends.remove((User) oldFriend);

	* showFriends is a wrapper method around the recursive routine
	* that shows all friends up to maxNumLinks away.
	* It adds a new variable to indicate the current number of links
	* away from the source, and it initialized to 1.
	* @param maxNumLinks	Max number of links to show friends
	public void showFriends(int maxNumLinks)

	* showFriendsRecursive does all the work in
	* recursively showing all friends up to maxNumLinks away.
	* It increments curNumLinks for each link traversed
	* away from the source.
	* @param curNumLinks	Current number of links from source user
	* @param maxNumLinks	Max number of links to show friends
	private void showFriendsRecursive(int curNumLinks, int maxNumLinks)
		// Show all direct friends to this user
		for (User friend : friends)
			System.out.println(username + " is friends with " + friend.getName() +
				" (" + curNumLinks + " links)");
			// Recurse on each friend if we haven't reached the
			// maximum number of links
			if (curNumLinks < maxNumLinks)
				friend.showFriendsRecursive(curNumLinks + 1, maxNumLinks);

Sample network file with nonsensical usernames.  
The notation of the username indicates how many links away from user A or B. 
  The last digit indicates the number of links away from user A or B. 
 This can be used to test outputting friends to different distances.


A A1_1
A A2_1
A A3_1
A1_1 A11_2
A1_1 A12_2
A2_1 A21_2
A11_2 A111_3
B B1_1
B B2_1
B B3_1
B1_1 B11_2
B1_1 B12_2
B2_1 B21_2
B11_2 B111_3


File: ratings.txt

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Army of the Dead
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Army of the Dead
The Uninvited


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