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Conception-pregnancy and childbirth – Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity – Rathus – Chapter 10


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1) What is the gelatinous layer that surrounds an ovum?

  1. zona pellucida
  2. hyaluronidase
  3. epiovum
  4. gonadotropin


2) Hyaluronidase is a(n)

  1. treatment for cervical cancer.
  2. enzyme.
  3. bacterium.
  4. abnormal growth.


3) Just prior to ovulation, basal body temperature

  1. rises slightly and remains higher for three to four days.
  2. dips slightly then rises and remains elevated until menstruation.
  3. rises slightly then dips and remains slightly lower until menstruation.
  4. dips slightly and remains lower until menstruation ends.


4) John and his partner are trying to conceive. John knows that his sperm count is slightly low. Which recommendation should John follow for the best chance of conception?

  1. John and his partner should have intercourse every day for the entire week.
  2. John and his partner should have intercourse twice a day for the entire week.
  3. John and his partner should engage in intercourse every 72 hours and John should masturbate every day to increase his sperm count.
  4. John and his partner should have intercourse every 48 hours.


5) Over-the-counter ovulation kits analyze the urine or saliva for the presence of

  1. luteinizing hormone.
  2. estrogen.
  3. follicle stimulating hormone.
  4. progesterone.


6) What percentage of North American couples experience infertility?

  1. 5%
  2. 15%
  3. 35%
  4. 45%


7) How long should a couple have tried to conceive before being considered infertile?

  1. 3 months
  2. 6 months
  3. 10 months
  4. 12 months


8) In what percentage of cases is the male partner the source of infertility?

  1. 10%
  2. 20%
  3. 30%
  4. 40%


9) Which of the following may contribute to a low sperm count?

  1. infrequent ejaculation
  2. cold showers or baths
  3. a low-fat diet
  4. tight fitting underwear


10) Which is the most likely cause of infertility issues in men?

  1. a pituitary imbalance
  2. low sperm count
  3. diabetes
  4. thyroid disease


11) Collecting the sperm from multiple ejaculations of a man with low sperm count and injecting them into a woman’s uterus is a technique known as

  1. sperm uterine transfer.
  2. natural fertility enhancement.
  3. sperm multiplier therapy.
  4. artificial insemination.


12) For men whose sperm are immature, which procedure produces the best chance of conception?

  1. removal of sperm from the testes and in vitro fertilization
  2. pooling of several ejaculates and injection of the sperm into the uterus
  3. pooling of several ejaculates and injection of the sperm near the cervix
  4. small injections of estrogens to increase sperm count and viability


13) Which of the following does not cause infertility in women?

  1. irregular ovulation
  2. endometriosis
  3. vaginitis
  4. declining hormone levels


14) What percentage of female ovulation problems are attributed to a lack of ovulation?

  1. 3% to 5%
  2. 7% to 8%
  3. 10% to 15%
  4. 20% to 25%


15) The drug clomiphene works by stimulating the release of

  1. estrogen in non-ovulating women.
  2. testosterone in men with low sperm counts.
  3. follicle-stimulating hormone in men with low sperm counts.
  4. follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in non-ovulating women.


16) Endometriosis occurs when

  1. infectious agents scar the fallopian tubes.
  2. cells break away from the uterine lining, implant, and grow elsewhere.
  3. hormonal imbalances prevent ovulation.
  4. malnutrition causes hormonal imbalances and prevents ovulation.


17) Laparoscopy is

  1. an abnormal condition in which endometrial tissue swells beyond the abdominal cavity.
  2. a medical procedure in which a long, narrow tube is inserted through an incision in the naval, permitting the visual inspection of organs in the pelvic cavity.
  3. a test in which carbon dioxide gas is blown through the cervix and its progress through the reproductive tract is tracked to determine whether fallopian tubes are blocked.
  4. a test in which a dye is injected into the reproductive tract and its progress is tracked by X-rays to determine whether the fallopian tubes are blocked.


18) In vitro fertilization is a procedure in which

  1. donor sperm is injected near the cervix or in the uterus.
  2. sperm are removed from a man’s testes and injected in the uterus.
  3. eggs are removed from the ovary, fertilized, and implanted in the uterus.
  4. sperm are amplified and injected directly into the fallopian tube.


19) Which procedure involves placing the parents’ zygote in the mother’s fallopian tube?

  1. ZTB
  2. donor IVF
  3. GIFT
  4. ZIFT


20) Charlene and her partner want to have a baby, but Charlene cannot produce any ova in her ovaries. Which procedure will Charlene have to try in order to give birth?

  1. ZIFT
  2. donor IVF
  3. GIFT
  4. IVF


21) ________ is a method of conception in which a woman volunteer is artificially inseminated by the male partner of the intended mother, after which the embryo is removed from the volunteer and inserted into the uterus of the intended mother.

  1. Embryonic transfer
  2. Gamete intrafallopian transfer
  3. Intracytoplasmic transfer
  4. Zygote intrafallopian transfer


22) Sperm and ova are inserted together into a fallopian tube. This technique is called

  1. gamete intrafallopian transfer, or GIFT.
  2. zygote intrafallopian transfer, or ZIFT.
  3. donor IVF.
  4. embryonic transfer.


23) The most common risk of using assisted reproductive technology is

  1. sexual dysfunction.
  2. increased risk for cancer of the reproductive organs.
  3. multiple gestation.
  4. adrenal hyperplasia.


24) In Canada, surrogate motherhood is

  1. illegal when it is done for pay.
  2. illegal regardless of whether the surrogate mother is paid or not.
  3. legal in some provinces but not in others.
  4. legal only if the parents pay the surrogate mother a minimum deposit of $2500.


25) The main provisions of the Act Respecting Assisted Human Reproduction passed by the Canadian parliament in 2004 include all of the following except

  1. banning the cloning of humans.
  2. banning the selection of a baby’s sex for non-medical purposes.
  3. making it legal to pay women to be surrogate mothers.
  4. making it illegal to pay for sperm donations.


26) For many women the first sign of pregnancy is

  1. missing a period.
  2. morning sickness.
  3. retaining water.
  4. a faint vaginal twinge.


27) The beta subunit HCG radioimmunoassay can detect HCG in the woman’s blood as early as

  1. the third week of pregnancy.
  2. about five days preceding the expected period.
  3. two days after conception.
  4. eight hours after endometrial tissue has been exposed to sperm.


28) The beta subunit HCG radioimmunoassay tests the ____ for HCG.

  1. urine
  2. blood
  3. uterine secretions
  4. vaginal discharge


29) Over-the-counter pregnancy tests are intended to detect

  1. luteinizing hormone in the urine.
  2. lower than normal estrogen levels in the blood.
  3. higher than normal follicle-stimulating hormone levels in the urine.
  4. human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine.


30) The majority of miscarriages occur within the first ____ weeks of pregnancy:

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. 9


31) In most women, morning sickness usually subsides by the

  1. twelfth week of pregnancy.
  2. eighth week of pregnancy.
  3. sixth week of pregnancy.
  4. fourth week of pregnancy.


32) Provided that the pregnancy is progressing normally and the woman has no history of miscarriage, how long is it necessary to wait before sexual intercourse after conception?

  1. nine months
  2. 10 months and 2 weeks
  3. one month
  4. zero days


33) Several days into the germinal stage, the cell mass takes the form of a fluid-filled ball of cells, which is called a

  1. follicle.
  2. blastocyst.
  3. morula.
  4. zygote.


34) How long does it take a zygote to reach the uterus?

  1. 24 hours
  2. three to four days
  3. seven to eight days
  4. 10 days


35) Only a minority of babies born at the end of the second trimester survive if they

  1. are born to teenage mothers.
  2. weigh under a kilogram.
  3. are not breastfeed.
  4. are prone to asthma.


36) The fetal stage begins in the

  1. third week of pregnancy.
  2. sixth week of pregnancy.
  3. ninth week of pregnancy.
  4. twelfth week of pregnancy.


37) When do pregnant women generally begin to feel fetal movement?

  1. three weeks after conception
  2. nine weeks after conception
  3. twelve weeks after conception
  4. sixteen weeks after conception


38) Environmental influences or agents that can harm the embryo or fetus are called

  1. chromosomal contaminants.
  2. teratogens.
  3. steroid fluids.
  4. antigens.


39) Rubella infections contracted during the first month or two of pregnancy can result in children

  1. who are born prematurely.
  2. with physical and psychological deformities.
  3. who are deaf or develop intellectual impairments, or heart disease, or cataracts.
  4. with liver and bone damage.


40) The critical period of vulnerability is a period of time during which an embryo or fetus is vulnerable to the effects of

  1. estrogen.
  2. teratogens.
  3. bacteria.
  4. illness.


41) Cherisse is four weeks pregnant. Routine blood screening reveals that she is carrying syphilis. What should Cherisse know?

  1. Maternal syphilis cannot cross the placenta.
  2. She can be treated with antibiotics before the fourth month of her pregnancy.
  3. She must wait until the sixth month, and then she can be treated with antibiotics.
  4. The syphilis organism can only cross the placenta in the first two months of her pregnancy.


42) Pre-eclampsia results from

  1. high blood pressure.
  2. rubella.
  3. a rupture in the amniotic sac.
  4. malnutrition.


43) The majority of babies born to mothers with HIV will

  1. develop AIDS within three years.
  2. develop AIDS within five years.
  3. not be HIV positive.
  4. be HIV positive.


44) Fetal alcohol syndrome is a

  1. set of symptoms that disappear once the mother stops drinking.
  2. set of symptoms, including developmental lags, caused by maternal alcohol consumption.
  3. condition in which a fetus experiences withdrawal symptoms after a mother has stopped drinking.
  4. a condition in which a baby is born addicted to alcohol.

45) Baby M is small for her gestational age. She has a noticeably flattened nose and widely-spaced eyes, and her brain size is smaller than average. What would cause these characteristics?

  1. marijuana
  2. alcohol
  3. heroin
  4. tobacco


46) Maternal smoking produces all of the following except

  1. a higher risk of low birth weight.
  2. decreased lung function in the newborn.
  3. decreased fetal heart rate.
  4. an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome.


Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 257-258

Skill: Recall


47) In RH incompatibility,

  1. the child may be born with physical deformities.
  2. the problem only affects a minority of RH incompatible pregnancies.
  3. the mother is Rh-positive but the baby is Rh-negative.
  4. the mother is Rh-positive but the father is Rh-negative.


Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 256

Skill: Recall


48) An episiotomy is performed

  1. when the woman’s cervix is not dilating properly.
  2. when the baby needs to be removed quickly due to pain in the mother.
  3. if the baby’s shoulders are too wide to emerge without tearing the perineum.
  4. if there is risk of HIV viral transfer.


Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 259

Skill: Recall


49) In Canada, in 1991, the percentage of vaginal births involving episiotomy was about 50%. In 2001, it was about

  1. 10%.
  2. 25%.
  3. 40%.
  4. 50%.


Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 259

Skill: Recall


50) What is the Lamaze method sometimes called?

  1. regular breathing
  2. partnered childbirth
  3. contraction control
  4. prepared childbirth


Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 260

Skill: Recall


51) In the first stage of labour, the cervix dilates to about

  1. 3 cm.
  2. 10 cm.
  3. 5 cm.
  4. 4 cm.


Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 259

Skill: Recall


52) During the third stage of labour, the

  1. placenta is expelled.
  2. baby moves down the birth canal.
  3. baby is born.
  4. cervix fully dilates.


Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 259

Skill: Recall


53) The Lamaze method

  1. was named after a French obstetrician.
  2. aids a father in the delivery room.
  3. eliminates use of anesthesia.
  4. is a yoga exercise, designed to facilitate delivery.


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 260

Skill: Applied


54) C-sections

  1. usually allow the mother to begin walking again on the same day as the birth.
  2. are performed in 56% of all in-hospital deliveries.
  3. are performed in 70% of all in-hospital deliveries.
  4. decrease natural serotonin levels in the mother.


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 260

Skill: Recall


55) The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada recommends that women choose to have a C-section

  1. only if they have had an episiotomy first.
  2. only if it is medically necessary.
  3. if they wish to maintain the elasticity of the vagina.
  4. if they are nervous about pain that might occur during a vaginal delivery.


Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 261

Skill: Recall


56) When a neonate is considered premature, it is because

  1. it was born before 40 weeks.
  2. it was born before 37 weeks.
  3. it has a low birth weight.
  4. it has not developed at the correct speed.


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 261

Skill: Recall


57) According to Save the Children research, rates of maternal mortality during childbirth and infant mortality are connected with the

  1. use of contaminated cosmetic and baby feeding products.
  2. environmental standards in different countries.
  3. empowerment of women in a society.
  4. percentage of women who become pregnant after age 30.


Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 262

Skill: recall


58) The “baby blues”

  1. are rare.
  2. are a serious mood disorder affecting 20% of women.
  3. affect most women to some extent in the weeks following delivery.
  4. are usually the result of post-partum psychosis.


Answer: c

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 263

Skill: Applied


59) Which statement is true regarding breastfeeding in Canada?

  1. The number of women breastfeeding their children has increased since 2001.
  2. Children who were not breastfed have higher rates of anxiety.
  3. Breastfeeding increases the incidence of allergies in babies.
  4. High-income women are less likely to breastfeed their babies.


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 263

Skill: Applied


60) Women who breastfeed their baby are more likely to

  1. have decreased sexual desire.
  2. initiate sexual activity.
  3. see their breast as sexual objects.
  4. have a stronger sexual response in terms of vaginal lubrication.


Answer: a

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 264

Skill: Recall


61) Which hormone stimulates the production of milk?

  1. prostaglandins
  2. oxytocin
  3. progesterone
  4. prolactin


Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 264

Skill: Recall


62) Joanne noticed a reddish vaginal discharge for the past few weeks since the birth of her son. She was told not to worry as this is normal and the discharge is called

  1. postpartum bleeding (PPB).
  2. lochia.
  3. menses.
  4. postpartum menstrual bleeding (PPMB).


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 264

Skill: Recall


63) According to obstetricians, how long should women wait after childbirth before resuming intercourse?

  1. two weeks
  2. 12 weeks
  3. 16 weeks
  4. six weeks


Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 265

Skill: Recall


64) In general, a couple’s level of sexual interest following childbirth

  1. is unlikely to be affected by child care duties in the first few months.
  2. will not revert to pre-pregnancy levels unless the couple wants to conceive another child.
  3. is restored with three weeks after birth.
  4. depends more on psychological than physical factors.


Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 265

Skill: Applied


65) The reasons the birth rate in Canada is declining include all of the following except

  1. that women are marrying later.
  2. that women are entering the workforce earlier.
  3. that women are completing higher education.
  4. increasing social acceptance of the choice to not have children.


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 263

Skill: Recall


66) The average age of women having their first child is _____ (in 2005), according to Statistics Canada (2007).

  1. 25.5
  2. 29.2
  3. 25.9
  4. 30


Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 273

Skill: Recall


67) Since the mid-1970s, the teen pregnancy rate in Canada has

  1. remained stable.
  2. declined sharply.
  3. declined overall but has been increasing since 2001.
  4. increased consistently.


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: MC

Page Reference: 266

Skill: Recall


68) Distal factors affecting teen pregnancy rates include

  1. levels of contraceptive use.
  2. economic conditions.
  3. emotional stability.
  4. age at first intercourse.


Answer: b

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 266

Skill: Applied


69) A British Columbia study found that, compared to 1998, the percentage of sexually active youth who used an effective contraceptive method at last intercourse in 2003

  1. decreased from 86.6% to 71.1%.
  2. decreased from 67.5% to 56.7%.
  3. increased from 53.2% to 68.4%.
  4. increased from 77.4% to 86.9%.


Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 266-267

Skill: Recall


70) Which of the following factors is not identified by Saewyc as contributing to teen pregnancy among gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth?

  1. wanting to show peers that they are heterosexual
  2. sexual assault of lesbian teens
  3. stigmatization based on sexual orientation
  4. less familiarity with effective contraceptive methods


Answer: d

Diff: 2

Type: MC

Page Reference: 268

Skill: Applied


71) Match the description of the stage of childbirth with the appropriate term. Terms can be used more than once.


72) The highest risk of birth defects from rubella occurs in the first trimester.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 256

Skill: Applied


73) A fetus will probably not contract syphilis if the mother is treated with antibiotics in the first three months of her pregnancy.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 256

Skill: Applied


74) The majority of babies born to mothers infected with HIV do not become infected with the virus.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 256

Skill: Applied


75) Rh incompatibility can cause rheumatoid arthritis if not treated.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 256

Skill: Applied


76) Aspiration is often repeated once the child is fully born to ensure the breathing passageway is not obstructed.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 259

Skill: Applied


77) Nearly 40% of children whose mothers drank heavily during pregnancy develop fetal alcohol syndrome.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 257

Skill: Applied


78) Among women who smoke cigarettes, the risk of stillbirth is actually lowered.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 257-258

Skill: Applied


79) For most women, the amniotic sac breaks about 24 hours before labour begins.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 259

Skill: Applied


80) Transition is the process that occurs when the cervix becomes nearly fully dilated and the head moves into the birth canal.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 259

Skill: Applied


81) Women with postpartum depression are more likely than those with “baby blues” to remain depressed for months.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 262-263

Skill: Applied


82) Spontaneous abortion is more prevalent among older mothers.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 252

Skill: Applied


83) Fertility problems stem from the male about 75% of the time.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 246

Skill: Applied


84) Very few women have irregular menstrual cycles.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 251

Skill: Applied


85) Sperm counts of 10 million to 40 million sperm per milliliter of semen are considered normal.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 246

Skill: Applied


86) Although morning sickness tends to decrease as a pregnancy progresses, it always occurs in the first trimester.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 252

Skill: Applied


87) The embryonic stage is the period from implantation until about the eighth week of development.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 253

Skill: Applied


88) Nutrients and waste products are exchanged between mother and embryo through a mass of tissue called the amniotic sac.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 254

Skill: Applied


89) Most Canadian women either had rubella as children or have been vaccinated against it.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 256

Skill: Applied


90) RH is a blood protein found in some people’s red blood cells.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 256

Skill: Applied


91) Pregnant women can have only two alcoholic beverages a day without harming their babies.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 257

Skill: Applied


92) Canadian women today have an average of 2.5 children.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: b

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 265

Skill: Applied


93) Canada’s teen pregnancy rate is lower than Sweden’s.

  1. True
  2. False


Answer: a

Diff: 1

Type: TF

Page Reference: 266

Skill: Applied


94) Explain methods couples can use to optimize the chances of conception.



– BBT, tracking vaginal discharge, man-on-top, rear entry, not moving for an hour after coitus


Diff: 3

Type: ES

Page Reference: 245

Skill: Integrated


95) List the major causes of infertility in men and women. Describe two procedures for each gender that can be used to increase the chances of conception.



– men: low sperm count, low sperm motility, autoimmune deactivation, pituitary imbalance. procedures: cool temperature garments, microsurgery to open blocked passageways

– women: irregular ovulation, obstructions, endometriosis. procedures: drugs, surgery to reduce blockage

Diff: 3

Type: ES

Page Reference: 246-249

Skill: Integrated


96) Differentiate between in vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer and embryonic transfer.



– in vitro: ova and sperm placed in lab dish, embryo implanted into uterus

– GIFT: sperm and ova inserted into fallopian tube

– ZIFT: sperm and ova combined in dish; zygote placed in fallopian tube

– embryonic transfer: woman volunteer is artificially inseminated by male partner of infertile woman; embryo removed and implanted in uterus of mother-to-be

Diff: 3

Type: ES

Page Reference: 248

Skill: Integrated


97) Discuss sex during pregnancy (sexual interest, the trimesters, and history of the woman).



– with no history of miscarriage, intercourse is safe

– lateral position and rear entry (in 3rd trimester) easiest

– sexual interest usually wanes in women that are scared of being pregnant

– sexual interest wanes, and pain increases in third trimester

Diff: 2

Type: ES

Page Reference: 252

Skill: Integrated


98) Describe the effects of maternal cigarette smoking on the developing fetus.



– smoke chemicals transmitted to fetus, decreased oxygen to fetus

– increased risk of spontaneous abortion and complications (premature amniotic sac rupturing, stillbirth, premature birth, low birth rate, early infant mortality)

– increased risk of SIDS

– learning problems in school

Diff: 2

Type: ES

Page Reference: 257-258

Skill: Integrated


99) Discuss factors that can lead to an increase or decrease in teen pregnancy rates.



– compositional, distal and proximal factors

– economic and geographical factors, contraceptive use


Diff: 2

Type: ES

Page Reference: 266-267

Skill: Integrated


100) Discuss the risks to the baby of vitamins, narcotics, and medications taken by the mother.



– medications: birth abnormalities, harm to fetus, physical and mental handicaps

– vitamins: too much can harm the baby; birth defects

– narcotics: fetus at risk (narcotics can pass to baby), fetal addiction

Diff: 2

Type: ES

Page Reference: 257

Skill: Integrated


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