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Employee and Production Worker Classes C++

Employee and ProductionWorker Classes
Design a C++ class named Employee. The class should keep the following information in
member variables:
• Employee name
• Employee number
• Hire date
Write one or more constructors and the appropriate accessor and mutator functions
for the class.
Next, write a class named ProductionWorker that is derived from the Employee
class. The ProductionWorker class should have member variables to hold the following
• Shift (an integer)
• Hourly pay rate (a double)
The workday is divided into two shifts: day and night. The shift variable will hold an
integer value representing the shift that the employee works. The day shift is shift 1
and the night shift is shift 2. Write one or more constructors and the appropriate
accessor and mutator functions for the class. Demonstrate the classes by writing a
program that uses a ProductionWorker object.


Employee and ProductionWorker classes

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "ProductionWorker.h"
using namespace std;

// Function prototype
void displayInfo(ProductionWorker);

int main()
	ProductionWorker pw("John Jones", "123", "1/1/2006", 2, 18.00);
	return 0;

// The displayInfo function displays a production      *
// worker's employment information.                    *
void displayInfo(ProductionWorker e)
	cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint;
	cout << "Name: " 
		 << e.getName() << endl;
	cout << "Employee number: " 
		 << e.getNumber() << endl;
	cout << "Hire date: " 
		 << e.getHireDate() << endl;
	cout << "Shift: " 
		 << e.getShiftName() << endl;
	cout << "Shift number: " 
		 << e.getShiftNumber() << endl;
	cout << "Pay rate: " 
		 << e.getPayRate() << endl;

Specification file for the ProductionWorker Class

#include "Employee.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class ProductionWorker : public Employee
	int shift;		// The worker's shift
	double payRate;	// The worker's hourly pay rate

	// Default constructor
	ProductionWorker() : Employee()
		{ shift = 0; payRate = 0.0; }

	// Constructor
	ProductionWorker(string aName, string aNumber, string aDate,
		int aShift, double aPayRate) : Employee(aName, aNumber, aDate)
		{ shift = aShift; payRate = aPayRate; }

	// Mutators
	void setShift(int s)
		{ shift = s; }

	void setPayRate(double r)
		{ payRate = r; }

	// Accessors
	int getShiftNumber() const
		{ return shift; }

	string getShiftName() const
		{ if (shift == 1)
			 return "Day";
		  else if (shift == 2)
			 return "Night";
			return "Invalid";
	double getPayRate() const
		{ return payRate; }


Specification file for the Employee class

#ifndef EMPLOYEE_H
#define EMPLOYEE_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Employee
	string name;		// Employee name
	string number;		// Employee number
	string hireDate;	// Hire date

	// Default constructor
		{ name = ""; number = ""; hireDate = ""; }

	// Constructor
	Employee(string aName, string aNumber, string aDate)
		{ name = aName; number = aNumber; hireDate = aDate; }

	// Mutators
	void setName(string n)
		{ name = n; }

	void setNumber(string num)
		{ number = num; }

	void setHireDate(string date)
		{ hireDate = date; }

	// Accessors
	string getName() const
		{ return name; }

	string getNumber() const
		{ return number; }

	string getHireDate() const
		{ return hireDate; }



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