Chapter 12- Web Page Design Studio
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Chapter 12: Web Page Design Studio
1. An initial design mockup is usually created using a program like Adobe Photoshop, so it is not an actual Web page, but a picture of what the finished Web site will look like.
2. In order to beginning coding a Web page, you need to determine the widths of the columns so you know the pixel measurements to use in the design.
3. Suppose you are building a fixed three-column design Web page that has a content wrapper that is 960 pixels. If the middle column is going to be 580 pixels, you will be given 580 pixels to use for the two other columns.
4. You can auto-center a page regardless of the user’s browser size or screen resolution by setting both the right and left margins to center.
5. A horizontal navigation bar is generally an unordered list of elements.
6. When creating an unordered list, it is not possible to style both the list elements and the list container.
7. You can change the way a link looks when a user rolls the mouse over it by using the hover pseudo-class.
8. When floated elements are not properly contained in the wrapper, you can solve the problem by making the wrapper wider.
9. Adding a nonfloating footer element, with the clear property set to both, will force a containing wrapper to extend to contain all floated elements.
10. To adjust the space outside of an element, you can adjust the elements padding.
1. A(n) ____ provides background information about the audience, content, and design of the Web site.
a. Web site specification c. design contract
b. source code document d. Web proposal
2. The following statement adds the background-color property to a style rule: ____.
a. background-color: #93d4cd c. background-color= #93d4cd;
b. background-color: #93d4cd; d. background-color= #93d4cd
3. The following statement sets the margin-left property: ____.
a. margin-left: auto c. margin-left: auto;
b. margin-left= auto d. margin-left= auto;
4. The following statement sets a
5. In order to set a page’s text to Arial, the code ____ should be added into the body tag of the page.
a. font: arial; c. text: arial, sans-serif;
b. font-family: arial, sans-serif; d. text-family: arial;
6. The following style rule sets the top padding of an element to 15 pixels: ____.
a. top-padding: 15; c. padding-top: 15;
b. top-padding: 15px; d. padding-top: 15px;
7. The following style rule sets the spacing between each letter to 1 pixel: ____.
a. letterspacing: 1px; c. letterspacing: 1;
b. letter-spacing: 1px; d. letter-spacing: 1;
8. The following style rule will display
- elements horizontally: ____.
a. display: horizontal; c. display: inline;
b. li: horizontal d. li: inline;9. The following style rule removes the default underlining from anchor elements: ____.
a. underline: none; c. text-decoration: no-underline;
b. text-decoration: none; d. underline: false;10. The following style rule adds 5 pixels of padding to the top, right, and bottom sides, and 20 pixels to the left side to an element: ____.
a. padding: 5px 5px 5px 20px; c. padding: 5px 20px 5px 5px;
b. padding: 20px 5px 5px 5px; d. padding: 5px 5px 20px 5px;
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