Category : C++
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PersonData and CustomerData classes Design a C++ class named PersonData with the following member variables: • lastName • firstName
Continue readingEmployee and ProductionWorker Classes Design a C++ class named Employee. The class should keep the following information in member variables:
Continue readingMinimum/Maximum Templates Write C++ templates for the two functions minimum and maximum. The minimum function should accept two arguments and return the value of ...
Continue readingBalanced Multiple Delimiters A string may use more than one type of delimiter to bracket information into "blocks." For example, A string may use ...
Continue readingInventory Bin Stack Design an inventory class that stores the following members: serialNum: m.anufactDate:
Continue readingFile Compare Write a C++ program that opens two text files and reads their contents into two separate queues. The program should then determine ...
Continue readingFile Filter Write a C++ program that opens a text file and reads its contents into a queue of characters. The program should then ...
Continue readingFile Reverser Write a program that opens a text file and reads its contents into a stack of characters. The program should then pop ...
Continue readingString Reverser Write a recursive function that accepts a string as irs argument and prints the string in reverse order. Demonstrate the function in ...
Continue readingSum of Numbers Write a function that accepts an integer argument and returns the sum of all the integers from 1 up to the ...
Continue readingRecursive Multiplication Write a recursive funct ion that accepts two arguments into the parameters x and y. The function should return the value of ...
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