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C++ class that holds the following personal data name address age and phone number

Personal Information Class
Design a C++ class that holds the following personal data: name, address, age, and phone
number. Write appropriate accessor and mutator functions. Demonstrate the class by
writing a program that creates three instances of it. One instance should hold your information, and the other two should hold your friends’ or family members’ information.


//  Personal Information Class
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

// Constants
const int SIZE = 81;

// PersonalInfo class declaration
class PersonalInfo
   char name[SIZE];
   char address[SIZE];
   int age;
   char phone[SIZE];

   // Default constructor
   // Sets all fields to null or 0.
   { name[0] = '\0';
     address[0] = '\0';
     age = 0;
     phone[0] = '\0';
   // Overloaded Constructor
   // Parameters: n is the name
   //   addr is the address
   //   a is the age
   //   p is the phone
   PersonalInfo(char n[], char addr[], int a, char p[])
   // Mutator functions
   void setName(char n[])
   { strncpy(name, n, SIZE);
     name[SIZE-1] = '\0';

   void setAddress(char a[])
   { strncpy(address, a, SIZE);
     address[SIZE-1] = '\0';

   void setAge(int a)
   { age = a; }
   void setPhone(char p[])
   { strncpy(phone, p, SIZE);
     phone[SIZE-1] = '\0';
   // Accessor functions
   const char *getName() const
   { return name; }
   const char *getAddress() const
   { return address; }
   int getAge() const
   { return age; }
   const char *getPhone() const
   { return phone; }

// Function prototye
void displayPersonalInfo(PersonalInfo);

// Demo program
int main()
   // Create the first instance of PersonalInfo.
   PersonalInfo me("Herb Dorfmann",
                   "27 Technology Drive",
                   25, "555-1212");
   // Create an instance for a family member.
   PersonalInfo auntSally("Sally Dorfmann",
                   "48 Friendly Street",
                   50, "555-8484");

   // Create an instance for a friend.
   PersonalInfo joe("Joe Looney",
                    "191 Apple Mountain Road",
                    30, "555-2222");
   // Display the data in each object.
   return 0;

// The displayPersonalInfo function    *
// displays the data in a PersonalInfo *
// object.                             *
void displayPersonalInfo(PersonalInfo obj)
   cout << "Name: " << obj.getName()
        << endl;
   cout << "Address: " << obj.getAddress()
        << endl;
   cout << "Age: " << obj.getAge()
        << endl;
   cout << "Phone: " << obj.getPhone()
        << endl << endl;


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