Assignment 2 – ASM program-Fibonacci number sequence- displays the string in reverse order-each lower-case letter converted to its corresponding upper-case letter
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60-266 – Assignment #2
Write an ASM program that reads an integer number N and then displays the first N values of the Fibonacci number sequence, described by:
Fib(0) = 0, Fib(1) = 1, Fib(N) = Fib(N-2) + Fib(N-1)
Thus, if the input is N = 10, your program Ass1-Q1.exe should display the following single line:
Fibonacci sequence with N = 10 is: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
INCLUDE .data msg1 byte "Please enter a number", 0dh, 0ah, 0 msg2 byte "Febonacci sequence is: ", 0 spce byte " ", 0 .code main PROC mov edx, OFFSET msg1 call WriteString call ReadInt mov ecx, eax; print N numbers call WriteString L1: add ebx, eax; generate next number xchg eax, ebx; step up the sequence loop L1 call crlf exit main ENDP END main
Programming Exercise 2 :
Write an ASM program that prompts the user to enter a string of at most 128 characters and then displays the string in reverse order, with: each upper-case letter converted to its corresponding lower-case letter, and each lower-case letter converted to its corresponding upper-case letter. The program should also display the number of lowercase characters after displaying the output string. For instance, a sample execution of “Ass2-Q2.exe” with the input string “An Input Line!” is shown below
Enter a string of at most 128 characters: An Input Line!
Here it is in LOWERCASE and in reverse order:
There are 3 lower-case characters.
HINT: Solving this question in the following sequential order will be much easier; though you can solve the way you want. 1) First, read the string from the keyboard into a memory variable. 2) Second, convert lowercases to uppercases and uppercases to lowercases; be careful here. 3) Third, print the resulting string in reverse order, by using indirect
addressing (or indexed addressing, if you wish); be also careful here since there are two possible ways: you can either reverse the initial string first then display the resulting reversed string, or you can directly display the initial string in reverse order.
You should correctly decide how, when, and where (in the hint above) to perform the count of the number of lower-case characters.
If the user enters more than 128 characters, only the first 128 characters must be processed (the rest are ignored but make sure that you cannot write outside the memory you have allocated for storing the string).
Also, try to make use of data-related operators as much as possible, such as SIZEOF, TYPE, LENGTHOF, DUP or PTR, in order to make your program as flexible as possible (and as short —efficient— as possible); see Chapt_04-c.
INCLUDE .data buffer byte 128 dup(0) msg1 byte "Enter a string of at most 128 characters:", 0dh, 0ah, 0 msg2 byte " Here it is in LOWERCASE and in reverse order: ", 0dh, 0ah, 0 msg3 byte 0dh, 0ah, " There are ",0 msg4 byte " lower-case characters ", 0dh, 0ah, 0 countLower byte 0 .code main PROC mov ecx, 0 mov eax, 0 mov edx,OFFSET msg1 call WriteString read_again: test_lower : cmp al, 7Ah ja store sub al, 20h store: push eax inc ecx jmp read_again endread: lea esi, buffer display : again: pop eax call WriteChar quit: exit main ENDP END main
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