C++ class for a widget manufacturing plant that asks the user for the number of widgets that have been ordered and displays the number of days it will take to produce
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C++ class for a widget manufacturing plant that asks the user for the number of widgets that have been ordered and displays the number of days it will take to produce
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Widget Factory
Design a C++ class for a widget manufacturing plant. Assuming that 10 widgets may be
produced each hour, the class object will calculate how many days it will rake to produce
any number of widgets. (The plant operates two shifts of eight hours each per
day.) Write a program that asks the user for the number of widgets that have been
ordered and then displays the number of days it will take to produce them.
Input Validation: Do not accept negative values for the /lumber of widgets ordered.
// Widget Factory
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Declaration of the Widget class
class Widget
int numHours;
int numShifts;
int widgetsPerHour;
// Consructor
{ numShifts = 2; widgetsPerHour = 10; numHours = 8;}
double daysToProduce(int);
// Constructor *
double Widget::daysToProduce(int widgets)
double numDays =
static_cast<double>(widgets) / (numHours * numShifts * widgetsPerHour);
return numDays;
// Function main *
int main()
int howMany; // Number of widgets on order
double days; // Required number of days to produce
// Create a Widget object.
Widget factory;
// Get the number of widgets on order.
cout << "This program will calculate widget production time.\n";
cout << "How many widgets are on order? "; cin >> howMany;
// Validate the number of widgets.
while (howMany < 0)
cout << "Number must be 0 or greater. Please re-enter: "; cin >> howMany;
// Get the required number of days to produce
// that many widgets.
days = factory.daysToProduce(howMany);
// Display the results.
cout << "It will take " << days << " days to produce ";
cout << howMany << " widgets.\n\n";
return 0;
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