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Balanced Multiple Delimiters

Balanced Multiple Delimiters
A string may use more than one type of delimiter to bracket information into
“blocks.” For example, A string may use braces {}, parentheses ()~ and brackets [ ] as
delimiters. A string is properly delimited if each right delimiter is matched with a preceding
left delimiter of the same type in such a way that either the resulting blocks of
information are disjoint, or one of them is completely nested within the other. Write a C++
program that uses a single stack to check whether a string containing braces, parentheses,
and brackets is properly delimited.


// Balanced Multiple Parentheses
// This program checks a string to see if it contains 
// Properly balanced parentheses.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stack>  // STL stack
using namespace std;

bool isBalanced(string s);  // Prototype

int main()
    // Tell user what program does
    cout << "This program checks a string to see if its parentheses are properly \n";
    cout << "balanced.";
    // Get String from user
    string str;
    cout << "\nType in a string with some parentheses:\n";
    getline(cin, str);
    // Check the string and report
    if (isBalanced(str))
        cout << "The string has balanced parentheses.";
        cout << "The string does not have balanced parentheses.";    
    return 0;
// *********************************************************************
// Checks to see if a string has balanced parenthesis.                 *
// It works like this: Whenever you find a left delimiter, stack the   *
// corresponding right delimiter. Then whenever a right delimiter      *
// is found, you look to match it with the current top of the stack.   *
// If we get to the end of the string and the stack is not empty.      *
// *********************************************************************
bool isBalanced(string str)
    stack<char> charStack;
    char expected;

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < str.length(); k++)
                  case '(' : charStack.push(')'); break;
                  case '{' : charStack.push('}'); break;
                  case '[' : charStack.push(']'); break;
                  case ')' :
                  case ']' :
                  case '}' :
                             expected =;
                             // See if you have what you were expecting
                             if (expected != str[k])
								 return false;
                  default:  break;        
    if (charStack.empty()) 
        return true;
        return false;        


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